The spatial plan, Ready for Tomorrow, provides a framework for future development and growth of the District. It defines the place the Gore District could become and gives meaning to the vision for the District, defined through the ‘Ready for Growth’ project, to “embrace the concept of Rural City Living, to make it the best place in New Zealand to work, visit, and do business”.
As a spatial plan, Ready for Tomorrow presents the outcomes sought for the District and each town - Gore, Mataura, Mandeville, Pukerau and Waikaka.
The focus is on how growth is to be managed and where it is accommodated. It illustrates how these towns can grow by identifying opportunities for development within the existing urban areas and beyond, as well as how existing spaces, such as the Heritage Precinct in Gore can be enhanced.
It seeks to provide sufficient land for what may occur and to maximise the choice of locations for investment by business, developers, residents and the wider community.
You can download our plan by clicking on the image below.