Notified Consents
Open for Submissions
Limited Notified Application - Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities
Section 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991, provides that only parties served with Limited Notifications are permitted to make a formal submission.
Notice of this application has been served on all persons identified as being adversely affected and allows only those persons to lodge a submission.
Submissions must be received no later than the submission closing date.
If you have been notified of this application and would like to make a submission, the Form 13 can be downloaded below.
Submissions can be posted, dropped in to 29 Bowler Ave or emailed to [email protected] addressed to Joanne Skuse.
Related Documents:
- Land Use Assessment of Effects
- Subdivision Assessment of Effects
- Engeo Report
- Record of Title
- Architectural Plans
- Landscape Plan
- Pre-application Notes
- Civil Design Report
- Transport Assessment
- Geotechnical Report
- Wastewater & Stormwater Modelling
- Water Modelling
- Council Request for Further Information
- Application Form
- Scheme Plan
- Titles & Legal Instruments
- Design Query Response
- Updated Plans and Elevations
- Contaminated Land Reports
- Soil Sampling and Analysis Plan
- Traffic Response
- Project Safety Environmental Plan
- Second Geotechnical Report
- Consultation
- Planning Response to Further Information
Recently Closed
Power Farming Holdings Ltd
Power Farming Holdings Ltd has been given a resource consent to establish a farm machinery business at 40 Charlton Lane, adjacent to State Highway 1 at the southern entrance to Gore.
The applicant had applied for land use consent to locate a farm machinery sales business with an on site workshop and part division in the Industrial Zone. Consent was further sought to remove two trees, listed as Notable Trees in the District Plan, from the site.
The consent was granted subject to conditions. These include:
- The company provides the Gore District Council with two seedlings germinated from seeds collected from the two monkey puzzle trees.
- These seeds are to be planted on Council reserve with a plaque describing the history and significance of the trees. The plaque is to be funded by Power Farming Holdings.
- The company must also pay $18,000 to the Council’s parks department. The money will be used to plant 70 trees in an open area on the eastern side of the Gore-Mataura highway.
Power Farming Holdings Ltd Decisions
For details about the application and supporting documents please follow this link to our Let's Talk engagement HQ.