Councillors and Staff
These set out the rules for how we should conduct ourselves to ensure open and transparent local government.
Financial contributions and buildings
Our policies to support growth and look after the District.
Dog Control Policy
Where dogs can go in the Gore District and owner responsibilities
Election Signs
Guidelines for candidate signage prior to an election.
Combined Local Approved Products Policy
A guide for decision making on psychoactive substances.
Rates Remission Policy
This outlines situations in which the Council may wish to remit rates.
Policies dealing with naming roads, applying dust to gravel roads and closing (or stopping) roads.
Significance and Engagement Policy
This policy guides our community engagement process.
3 Waters policies
Guidelines for connecting to our 3 Waters services, including stormwater and wastewater.
Gambling polices
These set out the number and location of pokie machines and TAB venues in the District.
Land Disposal Policy
This sets out the rules around the disposal of surplus Council land.
Local Alcohol Policy (LAP)
This enables us to make a meaningful contribution towards addressing issues associated with the sale, supply or consumption of alcohol.
Charter of Understanding
This charter between the Council and Hokonui Rūnanga provides a framework for the two of us to work together for a betterment of our people and a sustainable environment.