Events Strategy
The Gore District has gained a reputation for the arts and events. This strategy sets out our role and commitment within the events space and the associated resource required to deliver events. The strategy covers the period 2021 to 2024.
Parks, Recreation and Facility Strategy
The level of service for our parks, reserves and facilities, whether it is being delivered effectively and efficiently, and how the Council intends to meet future needs are contained in this strategy.
Parks, Recreation & Facility Strategy
Gore District Trails Feasibility Strategy
Trails have many benefits to communities in New Zealand, including health and wellbeing benefits, tourism and economic benefits and lifestyle and social benefits. This strategy considers how we can make the District cycle, walking and horse riding friendly.
Gore District Trails Feasibility Strategy
District Growth Strategy
Three scoping studies were commissioned by the Council as a prelude to its District Growth Strategy. These studies focused on social and economic issues, vegetation and habitats, and transport.
Gore Economic and Social Background Report
Alcohol Strategy
The Gore District Alcohol Strategy Advisory Committee has developed a plan for the strategy, focusing on alcohol harm reduction.
The strategy builds on initiatives and actions that already exist, linking them under a common goal. It also introduces some new action that seeks to address alcohol harm-related issues in the Gore District.
Gore District Alcohol Strategy Implementation Plan
Gore District Alcohol Strategy
Streetscape Strategy
The purpose of the Gore District Streetscape Strategy is to identify, assess and provide for the needs of all users of our streets within our towns.
The streets in our towns provide for the needs of us all, whether we walk, cycle or travel by vehicle. Within the Gore District we are very fortunate that our streets are generally safe and pleasant places to be.
Tourism Strategy
Tapping into Gore's positioning as the Brown Trout Capital of the World, the Council is committed to showcasing this unique positioning to enhance the tourism industry in our District.
Transport Procurement Strategy 2023 - 2026
The 2023- 2026 Transportation Procurement Strategy has been prepared to outline the Gore District Council’s approach to the procurement of goods and services for its delivery of its Transportation functions.